Online roulette variations

We absolutely understand that one can get easily bored of the traditional online roulette games! However, they should not despair, since there are plenty of other roulette variations that they will be able to play on, on online casinos! We are here to let you know about your options when it comes to roulette variations online. There are ultra popular ones such as the French roulette or the American roulette, which are extremely different. Indeed, you will rapidly notice that the place of the zero and its inexistence on other variations will make all the difference. Moreover, we went on to explore other less-known online roulette variations that are still available on the vast majority of online casinos! Below, you will find quick introductions to each variation, and if one tickles your fancy, we have a full review for each available for free!
The French roulette
French roulette exists on every possible online casino! It is a guarantee and it is also a must if you are a fan of online roulette. We consider that a well-rounded roulette player must try every variation. Therefore, we will attempt to turn you into that well-rounded player by introducing you to French roulette online. This variation is different from the original, mainly because it has one more box on its table. Indeed, it is all about the 0! If you have one more box to bet on then it should increase your odds of winning! However, there is also the difficulty to have too many options to bet on and that can cause problems. However, most players consider that there are more advantages than downfalls to online French roulette and here is why!
The American roulette
Americans always push it up a notch and it transpires on the American variation of online roulette! Indeed, while the French roulette accounts for a zero box, on the American roulette, you will benefit not only from the zero box, but also from a double zero box! Hence, you will have two more opportunities of winning big! The basic game’s rules remain similar to the traditional roulette game, with the exception of the zero and double zero options. There are plenty of benefits playing American roulette instead of the French roulette but the risks are also not to be undermined. We have put together a guide to navigate American online roulette for you here!
The other important variations
Obviously, if none of the above roulette variations interest you, then rest assured that you will have other options! Indeed, the Wild American roulette online is a variation within a variation! However, it is by far the funniest and the most lucrative since it offers bonus symbols that could help increase your gains. Furthermore, there is also the single zero roulette that is close to the French roulette that you could try out if you are a beginner. It is indeed less difficult that the French roulette and a better stepping stone if you are just now exploring online roulette’s variations!
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